Research on E-commerce Potential Client Mining: IEEE 2020 Project Topic [Data Mining]

Research on E-commerce Potential Client Mining: IEEE 2020 Project Topic [Data Mining]

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Create Date July 30, 2020
Last Updated July 30, 2020

Research on E-commerce Potential Client Mining Applied to Apriori Association Rule Algorithm

The Apriori algorithm is an algorithm based on association rules. According to the association rules, it can recommend the products to the users, thereby saving the user's shopping time and making the user's shopping more convenient and faster, thereby attracting more users. However, the traditional The Apriori algorithm has a high degree of complexity when dealing with massive amounts of data. It is necessary to improve the Apriori algorithm so that it can be applied to the era of big data. The Apriori algorithm is a classical algorithm in the association model, but when the database is large, the Apriori algorithm The complexity will increase exponentially, so this paper improves the way the Apriori algorithm scans the database. The improved algorithm effectively reduces the complexity of the algorithm. The Apriori algorithm is applied to the recommended links in e-commerce.

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