Computer science

Mouse controlling through eyes (retina movement ) via webcam

Mouse controlling through eyes (retina movement ) via webcam  Email:  Mouse controlling through eyes (retina movement ) via webcamlink for attachment hereBachelor science in computer sciencecontrolling mouse movement through eyes using a camera(webcam).using  a camera and computer vision technology, such as image segmentation and gesture recognition, to control mouse tasks, […]

ME computer science project topics needed from agricultural or medical field

ME computer science project topics needed from agricultural or medical field  Description of the project requirement ” Subject: ME computer science project topics needed from agricultural or medical field  Email: Sir, I am searching for project topics for my ME computer Science project. I require some problem statements related to recent work….like […]

ME project topics on Data Mining Mobile computing Network security required

ME project topics on Data Mining Mobile computing Network security required Description of the project requirement ” Subject: ME project topics on Data Mining  mail: Hello sir, I am looking for project topics for my ME Compuer Engineering based on following domains:  Data Mining Mobile computing Network security  and the preferred language […]

ME project for computer science final year paper attached

ME project for computer science final year paper attached  Email:  Hello sir, i am doing ME project for computer science final year paper attachedLink for paperI have one IEEE paper, that is “LLCPS and SISO: A TLS-Based Framework with RFID for NFC P2P Retail Transaction Processing” I want to do project […]