ME project

Sentiment Analysis

A Rating Approach based on Sentiment Analysis Abstract- Sentiment analysis is contextual mining of text which identifies and extracts subjective information in source material, and helping a business to understand the social sentiment of their brand, product or service while monitoring online conversations.With the advent to social media the number […]

Secure Video Watermarking

An Effective Approach for Secure Video Watermarking Based on H.264 Coding Standard Abstract—Video has an important entity that is shared over the network which is exchange through various devices like mobile,digital television, internet streaming. In the enhancement of bandwidth utilization from 2G to 3G and 3G to 4G, a lot […]

Forecasting Tourist Arrivals

Forecasting Tourist Arrivals with Machine Learning and Internet Search Index Abstract—Forecasting Tourist Arrivals with Machine Learning and Internet Search Index.The queries entered into search engines register hundreds of millions of different searches by tourists, not only reflecting the trends of the searchers’ preferences for travel products, but also offering a […]

Graph-based Recommendation

A Graph-based Approach for Job Recommendation at Scale Abstract—Online job boards are one of the central components of modern recruitment industry. With millions of candidates browsing through job postings everyday, the need for accurate, effective, meaningful, and transparent job recommendations is apparent more than ever. While recommendation systems are successfully […]

IoT and cloud convergence

IoT and cloud convergence: Opportunities and challenges The success of the IoT world requires service provision attributed with ubiquity, reliability, high-performance, efficiency, and scalability. In order to accomplish this attribution, future business and research vision is to merge the Cloud Computing and IoT concepts, i.e., enable an “Everything as a […]

IoT and cloud convergence: Opportunities and challenges

Secure Cloud Storage and Quick Keyword Based Retrieval System

Secure Cloud Storage and Quick Keyword Based Retrieval System

Secure Cloud Storage and Quick Keyword Based Retrieval System Abstract—In recent years, Cloud Computing becomes more prevalent in data store domain. More and more sensitive to store information into the cloud, Due to the importance the protection of data privacy, to protect sensitive data, should be encrypted before outsourcing, which […]

A Rating Approach based on Sentiment Analysis

With the advent to social media the number of reviews for any particular product is in millions, as there exist thousand of websites where that particular product exists. As the numbers of reviews are very high the user ends up spending a lot of time for searching best product based […]

Secure Cloud Storage and Quick Keyword Based Retrieval System

Combined Mining for Complex Data

Combined Mining: Discovering Informative Knowledge in Complex Data Enterprise data mining applications often involve complex data such as multiple large heterogeneous data sources, user preferences, and business impact. In such situations, a single method or one-step mining is often limited in discovering informative knowledge. It would also be very time […]