Information Sharing for Supply Chain Management

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Create Date September 20, 2018
Last Updated September 20, 2018

Information Sharing for Supply Chain Management based on Block Chain Technology

Abstract— Supply Chain Management systems provide information sharing and analysis to companies and support their planning activities. They are not based on the real data because there is asymmetric information between companies, then leading to disturbance of the planning algorithms. On the other hand, sharing data between manufacturers, suppliers and customers becomes very important to ensure reactivity towards markets variability. Especially, double marginalization is a widespread and serious problem in supply chain management. Decentralized
systems under wholesale price contracts are investigated, with double marginalization effects shown to lead to supply insufficiencies, in the cases of both deterministic and random demands. This paper proposes a blockchain based solution to address the problems of supply chain such as Double Marginalization and Information Asymmetry etc

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