Traffic Detection with vehicular ad-hoc network

Traffic Detection with vehicular ad-hoc network

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Create Date August 27, 2018
Last Updated August 27, 2018

Traffic Congestion Detection using Data Mining in VANET

Traffic Congection detection with VNET

Traffic Congection detection with VNET

Abstract – Traffic Congestion Detection One of the most interesting areas of research is the analysis of road traffic. This includes vehicle path tracking, path prediction, intelligent vehicles, congestion detection and many more. Most of the research that has been done to detect traffic congestion used vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) but of late data mining approach has been applied. Though most of the proposed work has successfully detected traffic congestion, it is complex to come up with an effective mechanism that incorporates detection, control and prediction of recurrent and non recurrent traffic congestions all in one system. This paper looks at how data mining compares with VANET in performing road traffic congestion detection, control and prediction.

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