Offline and Online Scheduling Algorithms for Energy Harvesting RSUs in VANETs

Multiple energy harvested RSUs
Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) have emerged in recent years as a solution to enhance the way we travel and communicate on the roads, and to regulate vehicular traffic. In these networks, vehicles are seen as mobile nodes that communicate with each other, either directly via on-board devices in ad-hoc fashion or in centralized fashion via road side units (RSUs) that are deployed along the road. This latter type of communication is commonly referred to as V2I (Vehicle to infrastructure). RSUs play an important role in VANETs. They can significantly reduce delays by using their high-speed data transmission links to relay messages between distant vehicles.
They can also serve as gateways to connect a vehicular network to broadband networks such as the cellular ones,
hence extending the VANET reach and enabling services to users like entertainment and video streaming. However, the deployment and operation of RSUs can be costly, especially in rural areas. One reason for the high cost is that RSUs are typically powered from the electrical grid, which requires a physical infrastructure to link the RSUs to it, adding to the costs of deployment and maintenance, notwithstanding the environmental concerns brought forth by using fossil energy. It is therefore important to investigate alternative power sources like renewable energy.
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