CHAOTIC Map Based Video Watermarking

CHAOTIC Map Based Video Watermarking

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Create Date August 25, 2018
Last Updated August 25, 2018

CHAOTIC Map Based Video Watermarking Using DWT And SVD

Abstract— Video Watermarking is a prominent technique used to provide the authentication to the multimedia data such as audio, video and text. It is also used to resolve the copy right protection and ownership problem. The proposed method is used to provide the solution for copy right protection in video data.
Here the different mathematical transforms like DWT and SVD are combined for the purpose of achieving the perceptual quality of the video and the key frame selection is achieved by chaotic map. Then the Two level DWT is performed in the video sequence, it produces the four sub bands like HH, HL, LH,LL.
In this LL sub band is selected for embedding and extraction process. The watermark image is a binary image with proper resiolution. It is also subjected to SVD and performs the embedding process to embed the secret image into host video.This method survive different kinds of image and video processing attacks.

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