Category: Data Mining

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We provide project guidance to final year engineering students in Computer Engineering/ Information Technology/ Computer Networks/ Electronics & telecommunication Engineering.

Data Mining Projects Includes:

  1. Information retrieval from different data sources
  2. Mining hidden entities
  3. Mining user profiles
  4. Mining user behaviors
  5. Mining intents
  6. Recommendations
  7. Association mining
  8. Data mining with artificial intelligence / Machine learning
  9. Search methodologies
  10. Data retrieval & ranking
  11. Privacy preserving search & ranking
  12. Document search/ Desktop Search/ Information Retrieval

Mining Domain Knowledge on Service Goals from Textual Service Descriptions : IEEE 2020 [Data Mining]

Mining Domain Knowledge on Service Goals from Textual Service Descriptions: IEEE 2020 [Data Mining] With the rapid development of service-oriented computing, a large number of software applications have been developed based on the services computing framework. It is well known that software engineering is a knowledge-intensive activity, and thus the […]

Research on E-commerce Potential Client Mining: IEEE 2020 Project Topic [Data Mining]

Research on E-commerce Potential Client Mining Applied to Apriori Association Rule Algorithm The Apriori algorithm is an algorithm based on association rules. According to the association rules, it can recommend the products to the users, thereby saving the user’s shopping time and making the user’s shopping more convenient and faster, […]

Deep bidirectional classification model for COVID-19 disease infected patients

Deep bidirectional classification model for COVID-19 disease infected patients In December of 2019, a novel coronavirus (COVID-19) appeared in Wuhan city, China, and has been reported in many countries with millions of people infected within only four months. Chest computed tomography (CT) has proven to be a useful supplement to […]

Information Sharing for Supply Chain Management

Information Sharing for Supply Chain Management based on Block Chain Technology Abstract— Supply Chain Management systems provide information sharing and analysis to companies and support their planning activities. They are not based on the real data because there is asymmetric information between companies, then leading to disturbance of the planning […]

Web Data Extraction of Dynamic Content

Towards Data Extraction of Dynamic Content from JavaScript Web Applications Abstract—: An enormous data in World Wide Web and social media has open opportunities for business and organization to get the significant value that leads to efficient operations. As a result, Web Data Extraction has become an important tool for […]

Indexing Evolving Events from Tweet Streams

Indexing Evolving Events from Tweet Streams

Indexing Evolving Events from Tweet Streams Abstract—:Tweet streams provide a variety of real-time information on dynamic social events. Although event detection has been actively studied, most of the existing approaches do not address the issue of efficient event monitoring in the presence of a large number of events detected from […]

Data Mining Techniques in Cyber Crimes

Applying Data Mining Techniques in Cyber Crimes Abstract— Cyber-crime is crime that involves a computer and a network. The computer may have been used in the commission of a crime, or it may be the target.Globally the internet is been accessed by enormous people within their restricted domains. When the […]

Sentiment Analysis

A Rating Approach based on Sentiment Analysis Abstract- Sentiment analysis is contextual mining of text which identifies and extracts subjective information in source material, and helping a business to understand the social sentiment of their brand, product or service while monitoring online conversations.With the advent to social media the number […]

Secure Cloud Storage and Quick Keyword Based Retrieval System

Secure Cloud Storage and Quick Keyword Based Retrieval System Abstract—In recent years, Cloud Computing becomes more prevalent in data store domain. More and more sensitive to store information into the cloud, Due to the importance the protection of data privacy, to protect sensitive data, should be encrypted before outsourcing, which […]

Secure Cloud Storage and Quick Keyword Based Retrieval System

A Rating Approach based on Sentiment Analysis

With the advent to social media the number of reviews for any particular product is in millions, as there exist thousand of websites where that particular product exists. As the numbers of reviews are very high the user ends up spending a lot of time for searching best product based […]