development as per paper

Secure Cloud Storage and Quick Keyword Based Retrieval System

Secure Cloud Storage and Quick Keyword Based Retrieval System Abstract—In recent years, Cloud Computing becomes more prevalent in data store domain. More and more sensitive to store information into the cloud, Due to the importance the protection of data privacy, to protect sensitive data, should be encrypted before outsourcing, which […]

Secure Cloud Storage and Quick Keyword Based Retrieval System

A Rating Approach based on Sentiment Analysis

With the advent to social media the number of reviews for any particular product is in millions, as there exist thousand of websites where that particular product exists. As the numbers of reviews are very high the user ends up spending a lot of time for searching best product based […]

JAVA project on A Secure Protocol for Spontaneous Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Creation for MCA

A Secure Protocol for Spontaneous Wireless Ad Hoc Networks  Email:  JAVA project on A Secure Protocol for Spontaneous Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Creation for MCA(attachment link here)This paper presents a secure protocol for spontaneous wireless ad hoc networks which uses a hybrid symmetric/ asymmetric scheme and the trust between users […]

JAVA project on Advance recommendation system to give accurate recommendation using subjective assessments

Advance recommendation system to give acurate recommendation  Email:  Advance recommendation system to give accurate recommendation  attachment link hereA IEEE project for recommendation system using linked taxonomies based on user’s subjective assessments where front end is Java and back end is MySql. The user should get recommendations based on his/her rating as well […]

single phase inverter with LCL filter for power quality improvement

single phase inverter with LCL filter   Email:  single phase inverter with LCL filter for power quality improvement (attachment link here)1 phase inverterLCL filterAfter filter waveform will nearly sinusoidal[platform category] matlabPlease contact if you can do this projectDisclaimer:  This message is intended only for members of Projects Pune platform. If you are […]

ME Project on bigdata by using of Data mining with bigdata

ME Project on bigdata   Email:  ME Project on bigdata by using of Data mining with bigdata (attachment link here)the platform for development is HADOOP. please contact me if you can guide me on this Disclaimer:  This message is intended only for members of Projects Pune platform. If you are not the […]

ME project in matlab for Detection of Glaucoma Using Cup to Disc ratio

ME project in matlab   Email:  Hello sir I am doing ME project in matlab for Detection of Glaucoma Using Cup to Disc ratio. attachment  link hereDelineate the ROI (Region of Interest) from the original retinal image.Perform disc segmentation to extract the optic disc.Disc boundary smoothing.Perform disc segmentation to extract optic cup.Cup […]