network security

Secure Remote User Authenticated Key

Secure Remote User Authenticated Key Establishment Protocol for Smart Home Environment Abstract—The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been used in wide range of applications, such as smart living, smart health and smart transportation. Among all these applications, smart home is most popular, in which the users/residents can control the […]

Architecture of P2S3 for WSN simulator

Parallel processing simulator for separate sensor

Parallel processing simulator for separate sensor o f WSN simulator with GPU Abstract -:Wireless sensor networks have been used as the technology that is actively grafted onto industries and daily living. Sensors should have builtin routing functions and basic sensing functions for the self configuration of topologies. The number of […]

Device-to-Device Networking

Device-to-Device Networking Meets Cellular via Network Coding The increasing popularity of diverse applications in today’s mobile devices introduces higher demand for throughput, and puts a strain on network resources especially on cellular links. In fact, cellular traffic is growing exponentially, and it is expected to remain so for the foreseeable […]

Fault Cascade in the Network Virtualization Environment

A Backup Algorithm for Power Communication Network Based on Fault Cascade in the Network Virtualization Environment. Network modeling and topological characteristics of a three-tier power grid in NV. We use the degree sorting algorithm as the control group which is widely used in power grid.Server unreasonable phenomena were reported in […]

PHD project related to computer networking or network security

PHD project related to computer networking or network security   Email:  Hi, I have applied for Phd to abroad universities. I am looking for any research project related to computer networking or network security based. First of all research proposal needs to be prepare. If it is accepted by abroad university then […]

security of single sign of disturbed computer network BE project

security of single sign of disturbed computer network   Email:  Hello sir I need projects on following topics for BE projects Topic name of single sign of disturbed computer network . This project I want new think whenever attackers attack the system then attacker identify 2. wireless accident detection […]

ME project topics required on network security

ME project topics required on network security Description of the project requirement ” Subject: ME project topics required on network security Email: Hello sir, I am looking for project topics for my final year project for ME based on network security. the projects topics need to be based on recent IEEE […]

ME computer project topics required on network security and data mining

ME computer project topics required on network security and data mining Description of the project requirement ” Description of the project requirement ” Subject: ME computer project topics required Email: Hello sir, I am studying final year for ME computer and searching for project topics based on network security and data mining If you have such topics […]

ME project topics on Data Mining Mobile computing Network security required

ME project topics on Data Mining Mobile computing Network security required Description of the project requirement ” Subject: ME project topics on Data Mining  mail: Hello sir, I am looking for project topics for my ME Compuer Engineering based on following domains:  Data Mining Mobile computing Network security  and the preferred language […]

ME IT project in network security or cloud computing

ME IT project in network security or cloud computing Description: This is description of the project requirement ” Hello sir, I am searching for project topics in fields like network security, cloud computing or project topics form android. ” ME IT project in network security or cloud computingDisclaimer:  This message is intended only for […]