Daily Archives: September 2, 2017

Android based project for electrical engineering on below given topics

Android based project for electrical engineering on below given topics  Email:  I am looking for Android based project for electrical engineering on below given topics1.Automatic meter reading using zeegbee.speed control of induction motor using android/GSM.2]street light control using android.3]android based industrial fault monitoring system.[field][platformcategory]ANDROIDPlease contact me on below given contact number […]

BE project based on Fabrication of Electric Two Wheeler with Rechargeable Battery

BE project based on Fabrication of Electric Two Wheeler with Rechargeable Battery  Email:  Hello sir, I am looking for BE project based on Fabrication of Electric Two Wheeler with Rechargeable BatteryPlease contact me on below given contact number and email.Disclaimer:  This message is intended only for members of Projects Pune platform. […]

ME project in matlab for raga identification of indian classical music using neuro fuzzy classifier

ME project in matlab for raga identification of indian classical music using neuro fuzzy classifier  Email:  ME project in matlab for raga identification of indian classical music using neuro fuzzy classifierattachment link hereBy taking samples of indian ragas, we have to identify the raag of that song by using  its […]

develop my college website into android application

develop my college website into android application Description of the project requirement ” Subject: develop my college website into android application Email: hello sir,  I want to do final year project in which i want to develop my college website into android application. the preferred language for development is JAVA and android. if […]

ME project topics on Data mining and cloud computing

ME project topics on Data mining and cloud computing Description of the project requirement ” Subject: ME project topics on Data mining and cloud computing. Email: Sir, I want project topics based on data mining or cloud computing for my final year project. the topics should be based on recent IEEE papers. please […]

ME project topics required on network security

ME project topics required on network security Description of the project requirement ” Subject: ME project topics required on network security Email: Hello sir, I am looking for project topics for my final year project for ME based on network security. the projects topics need to be based on recent IEEE […]