Monthly Archives: January 2018

automatic wheel chair control project for engineering

automatic wheel chair control project   Email:   sir, I am doing automatic wheel chair control project for engineering final year project. can you guide me in this project ? this is based on embedded system. I have mentioned my contact details below, thank you.Disclaimer:  This message is intended only for members of Projects […]

Harmonic Analysis of Variable Frequency Drive and Filter Designing ME project in MATLAB

Harmonic Analysis of Variable Frequency Drive  Email: Hello sir, I am doing project in Harmonic Analysis of Variable Frequency Drive and Filter DesigningI have to use PI and Fuzzy logic in making VFD and  SVPWM technique is to be used. Simulation is to be done in MATLAB. Will it be possible for you to […]

third year mini project mobile phone jammer range 10 meters

third year mini project mobile phone jammer   Email:  Hello sir, I am searching for third year mini project mobile phone jammer range 10 meters.  so can you help me out in completing my project? my contact details are given below, thanks. Disclaimer:  This message is intended only for members of Projects Pune platform. If you […]

Credit Card Fraud Detection System using Artifical Immune System

Credit Card Fraud Detection System  Email:  Dear Sir, I am doing project in Credit Card Fraud Detection System using Artifical Immune System. Is it possible for you to implement this project? Please provide me the work flow, and Kindly let me know the project fees for the same. below are my contact details. thank you.Disclaimer:  […]

PHD project guidance on face recognition from video using Neural Network in matlab

PHD project guidance on face recognition  Email:  PHD project guidance on face recognition from video using Neural Network in matlabTopic:  Face recognition from video using Neural Network (Classifier)Project able to identify the Faces from Video ( Video contain the multiple Persons) and identify the each and every person(able to understand […]

ME project in JAVA based on encryption and decryption algorithm for security of videos

encryption and decryption algorithm for security of videos  Email:  Hello sir, I am doing ME project based on encryption and decryption algorithm for security of videos. attachment link1     link2until now I am implemented video streaming for transmitter and receiver using virtual web camera for real time video . so please […]

BE project in java for Fault Node Recovery Algorithm for a Wireless Sensor Network

Fault Node Recovery Algorithm  Email:  Dear Sir, I am doing BE project in java for Fault Node Recovery Algorithm for a Wireless Sensor Network. attachment link 1) It should minimize the data loss in network2) We need a count of recovered node, number of active nodes3) Energy Consumption details4) The algorithm should […]

ME project to prepare algorithm of automated car parking system

automated car parking system  Email:  Hello sir,  I am doing ME project to prepare algorithm of automated car parking system. attachment link herePlease contact me if you can do this project. my contact details : sumeet nagralesumeet.nagrale89@gmail.com7770042137 Disclaimer:  This message is intended only for members of Projects Pune platform. If you are not […]