Monthly Archives: February 2018

ME project topics needed for Information retrieval and web mining or Business Intelligence and Data mining

ME project topics needed for Information retrieval and web mining  Email:  Hello sir I need ME project topics for Information retrieval and web mining or Business Intelligence and Data mining. i am looking for Project guidance for ME final year. Topic must be from IEEE. please send me the list along with […]

ME Electronics project on image denoising with gabor filter

ME Electronics project on image denoising with gabor filter  Email:  Hello sir, I am doing ME Electronics project on image denoising with gabor filter. I want to implement a proejct on “”Translational invariant directional framelet transform for image denoising with gabor filter”, I have submitted the synopsis for approval .I need to […]

Automatic Object Recognition using Artificial Neural Network from Satellite Images

Automatic Object Recognition using Artificial Neural Network  Email:  Dear sir, I am doing final year project in Automatic Object Recognition using Artificial Neural Network from Satellite Images. attachment click link here. , I need implementation of attached journal paper,So please let me know the cost and time duration details.Please reply as early […]

BE project for Small size light weight transformer with new core structure for contactless electric power transfer system using matlab and microprocessor

contactless electric power transfer system using matlab and microprocessor  Email:  Sir, I need urgent help for BE project for Small size light weight transformer with new core structure for contactless electric power transfer system using matlab and microprocessor. attachment paper link herePlease contact me if you have this project with you […]

ME project in OPNET Optimizing Idle State configuration to improve power saving for M2M communication over LTE networks

ME project in OPNET Optimizing Idle State configuration  Email:  Hello sir, I am doing ME project in OPNET Optimizing Idle State configuration to improve power saving for M2M communication over LTE networks. I am a student pursuing a masters degree in Engineering. Am in my final year and my thesis is “Optimizing […]

ME project in recognizing diabetic retinopathy in MATLAB

recognizing diabetic retinopathy  Email:  Hello sir, I am doing ME project in recognizing diabetic retinopathy in MATLAB. the attachment link here.please contact me on details given below if you can guide in this project.Disclaimer:  This message is intended only for members of Projects Pune platform. If you are not the intended recipient you […]

BE project in JAVA for Client side load balancer using cloud

Client side load balancer using cloud  Email:  Dear sir, I am doing BE project in JAVA for Client side load balancer using cloud. attachment link hereTo develop client side load balancer which takes input as client request and outputs same request to the server having least load on it. It does […]