data mining

latest technology-Cloud, Data Minnig, Helth Care,Big Data,Cyber Security,Software Engg.

latest technology-Cloud, Data Minnig, Helth Care,Big Data,Cyber Security,Software Engg.  Email:  latest technology-Cloud,Data Minnig, Helth Care,Big Data,Cyber Security,Software Engg.Please contact me on below given contact number and email.Disclaimer:  This message is intended only for members of Projects Pune platform. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, […]

ME Project on bigdata by using of Data mining with bigdata

ME Project on bigdata   Email:  ME Project on bigdata by using of Data mining with bigdata (attachment link here)the platform for development is HADOOP. please contact me if you can guide me on this Disclaimer:  This message is intended only for members of Projects Pune platform. If you are not the […]

computer engineering project in data mining or image processing done in Java

computer engineering project in data mining  Email:  ME computer engineering project in data mining or image processing done in Java programmingTopic is not fixed yet. I want to know latest ieee topics in data mining and Image processing. I want project done in Java programming. Also I want to know […]

ME project topics needed for Information retrieval and web mining or Business Intelligence and Data mining

ME project topics needed for Information retrieval and web mining  Email:  Hello sir I need ME project topics for Information retrieval and web mining or Business Intelligence and Data mining. i am looking for Project guidance for ME final year. Topic must be from IEEE. please send me the list along with […]

data mining project on XML query answering support as per attached paper for ME

data mining project on XML query answering   Email: Hello sir, i am doing ME project on data mining project based on XML query answering as per paper attachment link here I want to achieve following things from this project:  To mine all frequent association rules without imposing any a-priori restriction on […]

ME computer science projects topics needed

ME computer science projects topics needed Description of the project requirement ” Subject: ME computer science projects topics Email: Hello sir, I need project topics for ME final year project based on image processingdata mining andCloud computingPlease send me the project list for above topics and cost of the project as […]

ME project based on data mining with sponsorship

ME project based on data mining with sponsorship Description of the project requirement ” Subject : ME project based on data mining with sponsorship Email : I want final year project for ME Project should be based on Data mining on brain waves classification. Project should of data mining domain and base […]