Mechanical Project Development

Mechanical Project Development  Email:  Mechanical Project Development based on Cfd And Ansys. please contact me on below given details if you can help in this project.Disclaimer:  This message is intended only for members of Projects Pune platform. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or […]

ME project on cloud computing based on A Load Balancing Model Based on Cloud Partitioning for the Public Cloud

ME project on cloud computing based on A Load Balancing   Email:  ME project on clod computing based on A Load Balancing Model Based on Cloud Partitioning for the Public CloudIts load balancing in cloud computing. I want to use java lang. for implementation. please contact me for paper and if you […]

efficient implementation of linear convolution on FPGA board

efficient implementation of linear convolution on FPGA board  Email: I am doing efficient implementation of linear convolution on FPGA project name:- efficient implementation of linear convolution on FPGA board.language required:- VHDL, verilog.tool required:- xilinx.please contact if you can guide in this projectDisclaimer:  This message is intended only for members of Projects […]

Face recognition using Local binary pattern technique ME project in matlab

 Face recognition using Local binary pattern technique  Email: Hello sir, I am working on  Face recognition using Local binary pattern technique This is a  ME project to be developed in Matlab. Please contact me if you can do this project and for more help. Thanks Disclaimer:  This message is intended only for members of […]

ME Project on bigdata by using of Data mining with bigdata

ME Project on bigdata   Email:  ME Project on bigdata by using of Data mining with bigdata (attachment link here)the platform for development is HADOOP. please contact me if you can guide me on this Disclaimer:  This message is intended only for members of Projects Pune platform. If you are not the […]

Low Noise Amplifier for wimax application ME E&TC project

Low Noise Amplifier for wimax application  Email:  Hello sir, I am doing ME E& TC project in Low Noise Amplifier for wimax application. attachment link here Need guidance on project .Need to implement “Low Noise Amplifier for wimax application “Half part is done.Having problem in simulation.Here I am attaching base paper. [platform category] RF […]

Need project topic for ME Electrical Power System in matlab

Need project topic for ME Electrical  Email:  Hello sir, I need project topic for ME Electrical Power System in matlabI am in second year of ME Electrical (Power System). I am searching for the project and the general synopsis is already presented in which the only broad and probable aspect […]

ME project in matlab for Detection of Glaucoma Using Cup to Disc ratio

ME project in matlab   Email:  Hello sir I am doing ME project in matlab for Detection of Glaucoma Using Cup to Disc ratio. attachment  link hereDelineate the ROI (Region of Interest) from the original retinal image.Perform disc segmentation to extract the optic disc.Disc boundary smoothing.Perform disc segmentation to extract optic cup.Cup […]