Mtech project


Mtech projects in SECURE COMMUNICATION and IMAGE PROCESSING  Email:  I am looking for Mtech projects in SECURE COMMUNICATION and IMAGE PROCESSINGplease share topics with me. Please contact me on below given contact number and email.Disclaimer:  This message is intended only for members of Projects Pune platform. If you are not the intended […]

Mtech project in matlab for malicious email detection using back propagation network

Mtech project in matlab for malicious email detection  Email:  Hello sir, I am looking for Mtech project in matlab for malicious email detection using back propagation networkI want to implement malicious email detection using back propagation network for 2000 to 4000 emails using matlab. Kindly send me the details. Please contact me […]

Mtech Project required on big data elasticity , cloud computing, data mining

Project required on big data elasticity , cloud computing  Email:  Project required on big data elasticity , cloud computing, data mining basically I want to enhance the technique in terms of elasticity. Please help me out  for new project .Please contact me on below given contact number and email.Disclaimer:  This message […]

Power System based project for Mtech required in matlab

 Power System based project for Mtech   Email:  Hello sir,  Power System based project for Mtech required  H/w with Matlab simulationPlease contact me on below given contact number and email.  Disclaimer:  This message is intended only for members of Projects Pune platform. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified […]