Data Mining Technique With Cluster Analysis Use K-Means Algorithm For Indonesia Stock Exchange
knowledge discovery process
Apply data mining techniques with cluster analysis on stock data registered in LQ45 in Indonesia Stock Exchange. The cluster analysis used in this method is k-means algorithm, the data in this research is taken from Indonesia Stock Exchange. The cluster analysis in this study analyzed the characteristics of data volumes and stock values, while the results in this study were presented in the form of cluster members visually. Therefore, this cluster analysis in this research can be used for quick and efficient identifier for each member of LQ45 index cluster based on share value for each cluster and its volume. The identification results can be used by beginner-level investors that begun to be interested in stock investments to help make informed decisions about stock trading on desired cluster groups. Currently, it is common for professional stockbrokers to try to extract relationships from different stocks by analyzing past trading graphs thoroughly. In addition, more available stock system software predictions can be used by stock investors to help them generate fast stock market forecasts. Stocks or shares, in this study we do not distinguish stocks and shares, is the relationship of ownership between the company and shareholders. There are two types of stock in the classification of shares in general, namely 1) preferred stock and 2) ordinary shares. Preferred stock is a stock that has a special right in the company (for example: distribution of previously received corporate profits rather than other shareholders) whereas ordinary shares are shares that have no more rights than the general right to obtain the profit in accordance with the profit-sharing schedule which held in the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS). Compared to preferred shares with special interests that can be transferred to other parties for trading on the stock market, ordinary shares (hereinafter referred to as shares) have an advantage. Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) is the only stock market in Indonesia. IDX provides a mechanism for selling and buying shares for publicly listed companies listed on the Stock Exchange. Limited Liability Company (PT) is a legal entity to run a business consisting of share capital, which is part of its share owners. PT TBK is a company with limited liability company also public company status (Go Public).
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