Educational Data Mining on Online Learning Platform

Key Technologies and Applications of Educational Data Mining on Online Learning Platform

Educational Data Mining

Development of the Internet and communication technology, online education has drawn more and more attention, online learning platforms and store massive learner behavioral data and educational data. How to effectively analyze and utilize the data to improve the quality of online education has become a key issue urgently needed to be solved in the field of big data in education(BDE), educational data mining(EDM) is exactly an effective and practical method and means of applying BDE. Therefore, EDM is an important academic research hotspot in the field of EDM. Big data in education(EDM) and online learning platform, and then elaborates on the process of how educational data mining transforms raw data into knowledge. Finally, the key technologies of data mining are classified according to their uses, and gives its application in online education scene. Big data refers to a large scale of data which is rich in information in different forms of media, network and other media. Big data on education (BDE) is a subset of big data, which refers to data in education. In fact, big data is a nebulous concept that has not yet formed an accepted definition.

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