Profit sharing Business Model

Pay only when you make money with project leads from us

Access all Leads with profit sharing business model 

Profit sharing business Model


  • Sign an agreement for profit sharing and non disclosure
  • Get access to all leads 
  • Convert large number of leads monthly
  • Only Rs 2000 per project done
  • Pay only when you are profitable !!!

Profit sharing partner

Rs. 0 /Month

Grow business by doing large number of projects every month

  • Projects Pune as your Leads providing Business Partner
  • Get all project requirements from entire Maharashtra
  • Convert Large number of projects each month
  • Share profits only (Rs 2000) when you make money

 Terms and conditions for Partnership Model

  • No monthly charges for accessing leads
  • Legal Agreement for Profit sharing and NDA
  • Rs 2000 profit sharing with us on every converted lead
  • Payment to be done on registration of project
  • 2 months without any profit shared ends the agreement